Monday, May 19, 2008

Clinton Says that McCain's economy policy plan is simply out of touch.

Sen. Hillary Clinton attacked the future Republican nominee Sen. John McCain, on his foreclosure crisis plan and economic policy. According to Sen. Clinton, MCCain´s economic plan policy boiled down to this: "Don’t just continue driving our nation in the wrong direction. Put your foot on the accelerator and gun it".

Clinton pointed several mistakes on MacCain´s policy. According to Clinton his priority on cutting taxes on the largest corporations is simply out of touch, as Americans workers are working hard to avoid foreclosure, to pay for gas, tuition fees and doctor bills. Clinton said that she was right from the beginning about the foreclosure crisis, while Bush and McCain refused to acknowledge that there was a crisis until it spiraled out of control. She said that Sen. McCain was spending his more time attacking and criticizing Democrats for trying to find solutions for the mortgage crisis, than finding solutions himself.

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